How things go VIRAL on Apartment Whatsapp Groups !!!

Person 1 : Hello, Did anyone spot a BAT near the swimming pool ? I really need to know .

Person 2 : What ??? ?

Person 3 : Somebody pls inform the management office.

Person 4 : OMG ! Please don’t send your kids to play downstairs today .

Person 5 : Yes ! With Nipah Virus , OH God !!! what is happening ?

Person 3 : We pay so much for maintenance and yet we have bats near pool. President should answer this.

Person 6 : Listen , if any kid gets bitten by bat , I have Ayurvedic meds

Person 3 : No ! No ! one cant just apply and should not apply anything .Just wash with soap and water. I read online about Nipah Virus !!!

Person 7 : Take him to the Doctor ASAP !

Person 3 : Take who ?

Person 8 : Is there a injection or medicine to prevent Nipah Virus ??? my child is only 8 months old ??

Person 9 : I think Dr MN Theezen in D 1188 would be best to ask for next steps .

Person 2 : agreed

Person 3 : ??

Person 4 : +1
Person 1 : Ehh ! Guys , I was asking about my son’s Cricket Bat he left near the swimming pool last evening .
